Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On the Problem with Being Good At Things

... or proficiency begets efficiency begets promotions begets responsibility begets everyone and their mom putting things on my To Do list and it's driving me crazy.

Ok, this is not supposed to be a brag-fest about how awesome I am at stuff, which, obviously I AM, but you know.  Mostly, I'm upset today and need to rant about how it is completely unfair for people that are responsible and accountable and get things done (and get them done well!) are constantly being asked to take on more things that are not their responsibility because the people that are supposed to be doing them are not... let's call it "competent"at their own jobs and don't get them done, or get the done but badly.

I have no issue with helping people out sometimes, but right now I feel like things are getting to the point where projects are being thrown my way and I'm just expected to take care of them.  Not fun.  I was lamenting to one of my  managers about this earlier in the week and he pointed out that people know my reputation is to get things done well, quickly and correctly.  That's how I operate in most areas of my life.  I'm trying to set boundaries so that this doesn't keep happening, but boundary setting is not the most fun thing in the world and usually it upsets people (which is not preferable, but also I'm not opposed to having to upset them in order to set a healthy boundary).  

Currently I'm working 4 large group trips for work, 1 large meeting that will be happening in March, 1 meeting that is happening tomorrow, and then my normal work stuff for my new manager which is getting a bit complicated because I'm still being shared by him and my old manager until they have the head count to get someone else in here.  All of the aforementioned is my job, so no big deal, it's just a lot on it's own.  Then we have a few of my new manager's team that keep asking me to help out with their team projects because "it used to the person's job who had your job before you to do it"- but the thing is that when I was promoted my new manager rewrote my job description.  We even had a discussion about it during one of his team meetings to let his team know what it is I will be doing and what I DO and DO  NOT handle.  So they are aware of what I do, and there is someone whose new job it is to do all of the things that I don't handle because they reorganized the entire team for it to work that way.

... ugh... just having a tough time handling all of it on top of everything going on at home.  Sorry, I totally feel like this is turning into a "ugh, my job" post, which it is not!  Just to clarify, I LOVE my job and wouldn't trade it for the world and I absolutely love the team I work with.  Transition is hard.

Speaking of everything else going on:

We had our house inspection yesterday and everything looked great!  The inspector pointed out a few things he thinks we may want to "fix", but they were more suggestions for things like scraping off the old caulking on some of the exterior walls that surrounds some of the entry points for cable, etc because they may be getting a little too old.  Ok, we can handle that!  While we were there for the inspection, BF and I walked around and made a list of the things we needed to do so we know what sort of budget to set for some minor things we want to work on before moving in.  I also measured the walls so I could calculate how much paint we needed to get to touch up some areas and to add color to our main living spaces.  I'm starting to get SUPER EXCITED to get moving, but it's also stressing me out a little.  We will get our appraisal later this week and hopefully land on a closing date!

Oh yeah, and wedding planning!  We are definitely in the throes of WP, and I'm starting to freak out a little despite having most everything planned and done.  For one, I did not realize how expensive photography is!  We found someone we like and are hoping to be able to schedule, but we cannot meet with him until next month so we will see what happens.  I am also still looking for a florist and a bakery to make a very small cake (since we don't really want cake but our parents have insisted that we need a cake to cut for photos and for the tradition).  On Sunday I took my sister and BF's sister dress shopping and we found our Bridesmaid dresses!  I placed the orders and sent our findings to my MOH in Utah so she could do a little shopping and find something that will match (ish, I don't need them to match exactly).  I'm also on the lookout for cute table decor ideas and have found some good ideas I may use.  I downloaded a pretty sweet App for my iPad that helps organize my wedding plans in one place, without paper, which is nice because now all I have to do is bring my iPad with me places and I've got all my plans and ideas there!  I've also been perusing Pinterest for ideas which is awesome and very easy for me to get lost in!

Anyway, more house updates to come.  I'm feeling much more Zen after ranting about work, so thank you!

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