Thursday, June 7, 2012

Venus is Messing with Everything

Maybe you've heard and maybe you haven't, but this week something rare and crazy happened and it was the planet of Venus passing in front of the sun.  I guess it only happens every hundred-some-odd years and this year it was going down.  I remember early on in the week hearing about this phenomenon and I thought to myself "Sounds awesome!  I should check this out since it's not going to happen again in my lifetime!" and then I promptly forgot all about it.

I need to pause here and tell you a few other seemingly random things, bear with me.

Random tidbit #1- I used to be a crazy nail biter.  I'm not even joking.  I used to bite my nails  until they were sore.  My mom called it a nervous habit, but I wasn't a nervous child and I think it was a way for me to use up excess energy without disturbing anyone else.  I literally cannot remember a time when I wasn't a nail biter until 2 years ago when I quite for a few months and actually grew my own nails out and painted them pretty much daily.  Sometimes I would pick at them or bite a  hangnail, but for the most part I've stopped biting my nails.  This past winter I had pretty  much completely stopped even picking at hangnails, etc.  My nails were long and pretty and strong and I wasn't even focusing on them.  

Random tidbit #2- BF and I go to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 every night and we almost always get 7 hours or more of sleep because we are healthy and awesome.  I haven't always been a "go to bed early" type of person, but since I'm and "adult" now and I work full time and have a pretty full life it's pretty easy to go to bed earlier than I used to.  In high school it was rare for me to even be ready for bed by midnight and I had a zero period and had to be up at 5:20am to get ready for my before-school class... I pretty much averaged 4-5 hours of sleep a night and then come saturday morning I wouldn't even roll over in bed until 11am or so.  I would try and try to go to bed at a decent hour, but it just never seemed to work out that way.  I no longer sleep that late on the weekends, I can hardly sleep past 8:30!  Anyhow, our sleep patterns nowadays are pretty regular and good for us.

So anyway, back to ole' Venus.  Apparently she passed in front of the sun just like she was supposed to but what no one told me was that she was going mess shit up this week.  

Exhibit A:  I randomly started biting my  nails this week.  Don't even try to tell me it's stress related because that's what my acid reflux is for!  I mean, I didn't go completely crazy and bite them down to nibs, but it was a little shocking.  I did finish reading a pretty entertaining book series that had me enraptured, but still!  Why did you even bring that up?  No other reason for me to bite my nails.

Exhibit B:  I have gone to bed at my normal time every night and gotten up at my usual time each morning but HOT DAMN am I freaking tired.  Like, to the point where I almost left work to go to my car and sleep in the parking lot instead of eat lunch.  I chose to eat lunch in the kitchen like a normal person, but whatever.  Every single day this week I have felt like I just want to die I am so tired.  I've been eating pretty well and getting my sleep and not doing anything that I can see would disrupt my sleep so therefore VENUS + Passing in front of the SUN= FEELING TIRED.  

Exhibit C:  It is mother-effing JUNE and it rains like a Hurricane every few days and mists on me constantly and if I don't see a glimpse of summer I'm going to quit Oregon.  Full on quit.  You tell me what means.  I say it's Venus's fault.   Somehow her path in front of the sun has screwed up the summer weather that was on the way and replaced it with RAIN.  Way to go, Venus.  You stole my summer weather.

BF was texting me today and also thinks that it's "Making everybody crazy!".  I don't exactly know what he means, but I will ask and let you know.  Also, I assume it's what I mean when I say Venus is cocking it all up.  

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