Monday, June 4, 2012


I got paid on Friday, like I do every other week and for the first time in my entire adult life I could not go out and frivolously spend a single penny of it.  This is brand new to me. Champagne problems, I admit that, but DAMN!  I like to get a pedicure if I feel like it or buy a new book at Powell's.  Almost the entire thing went to pay for something, and none of it was things we could do without (ie.  mortgage, HOA dues, gas for the car, credit card bill) and the money that didn't go to pay for something is being reserved for gas money for the next week and a half.  I blame this wedding. No seriously, I do.  Every time I turn around we are having to pay for something or pay the deposit for something. Gah.  I hate having debt at all... it just makes me so uncomfortable!  I feel like I'm just throwing out IOU's at this point.  Not that we are too bad off, I'm just not used to pinching pennies so tightly!

BF and I were talking the other day and if we had really thought about it and thought no one would care I would just elope and come back and throw a giant barbeque to celebrate our marriage.  We also know that had we have done that both sides of our families would be outraged and probably crucify both of us.  Small price to pay, I say.

We've been trying to save money where we can so I started making our own whole wheat bread and it turned out great!  1 batch of dough makes almost 3 full loaves, so I just freeze 1 loaf, put the other in the refrigerator for the next week and eat the 3rd in the current week.  We've also been trying to use coupons more, but I don't even see how people who want to eat the healthiest foods can even do this successfully. There are no coupons for fresh seasonal produce so we just have to watch ads for grocery stores to see who has what on sale.  Also, we've noticed that the items that do get coupons are typically super processed foods that we don't normally eat anyway.  Frustrating!  I also have started checking the Frugal NW blog a few times of week to see what deals folks are finding. 

Anyone have good couponing tips?  Send them my way!

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