Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Creative Meals for Adventuring

Ok, so I guess there are all kinds of food options for backpacking... of which I've only sampled the freeze dried options and haven't found anything spectacular. As I mentioned before, I'm going to try to find some alternatives that are easy to prepare, keep well, don't take up a ton of space and are somewhat light to carry... oh yeah, and taste good.

I did some meditation on the subject today and here is what I came up with:

1. Cous cous- I have boxes of it at home and all you do is add boiling water. Easy enough. So I'm just going to transfer it from the box into small sealed 1-portion bags so all I have to do is boil the water.
2. Dried cheese tortelloni. I found a great kind at New Seasons. Same as above, all I need is boiling water... so I'll package into portions and away I go.
3. Oatmeal. I LOVE oatmeal. Plus, instant oatmeal is already packaged, just add water.
4. Fruit Leather (for snacks).
5. Lipton Soup packets- because they are prepackaged. Just add water. Notice a theme here?
6. Lara Bars. I really like that they use all natural ingredients and have yummy flavors like dark chocolate coconut.
7. INDIVIDUAL SIZE CANS OF BAKED BEANS. Holy Cow was I ever excited to run across these babies. Just heat and eat... plus they are the small cans, so I can eat the whole thing in one sitting and not have leftovers to worry about disposing of.
8. Trail mix. Duh.
9. Peanut and Almond M&M's. MMMM.
10. Pita Bread. I could just eat that stuff plain every day. Or with soup. Or with peanutbutter and honey.
11. Individual sized packets of peanut and almond butter.

Ok... so I'm still brainstorming. I also plan on stopping along the way to where ever we end up hiking and eating a fabulously huge pancake breakfast before heading out... and then ending the hike by stopping and eating tons of hot pizza on the way home.

Any good camp food ideas? Remember, I have to carry stuff so I don't want it to be heavy. Also can't be refrigerated.

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