Monday, March 14, 2011

Birthday and Road Trips and Races

Friday was my actual 26th birthday, 23 hours ahead of my friend Brad's birthday so we were invited to celebrate it together in Corvallis.

Friday started well enough with birthday cards and balloons and a nice lunch from my coworkers, plus flowers and a spa gift certificate from my awesome boss.  I got to leave early which was nice since we were heading down to Corvallis anyway and wanted to beat traffic. 

BF and I dropped Rudy off at my mother's and were on our way.  I slept almost the whole way there because I was exhausted from a busy week and had a little headache.  We arrived a few minutes late (still hit a little traffic) to dinner with Brad and his GF, Nicole along with some other friends.  We ate and sang and were merry and then the waiter brought Brad and I two sombreros to wear and we were sang to/at and embarrased.  There are pictures and maybe some video but I'm not sharing that here, thankyouverymuch.

After dinner we headed to get some gelato. 

It was so delicious, but WAY too much.

Saturday my mom took me to get a mani/pedi which was much needed.  I don't know why, but I do the same thing to my toes and they definitely don't look that good when I'm done with them. 

We had pizza for dinner because I wanted to "carb up" for the Shamrock Run ( I know... it's only 3 miles, but hey, I rarely eat pizza and it was my birthday). 

We woke up bright and early (and I do mean early, thank you daylight savings) on Sunday to get downtown for the Shamrock Run and boy was it nasty out.

The day started a little cold and drizzly and was drippy, wet and windy shortly after we got downtown.  The team met up at a nearby coffee shop so we didn't have to stand outside and wait for our races to start in the rain.

I ran the 5K, along with BF and his dad and sister.  It was a good run and I felt I could have run it harder and faster had I been paying attention, but mostly I was trying not to run people over.  There were SO MANY people;  11,000 running in the 5K event.  I didn't even see a mile marker until I was at the 3 mile mark because I couldn't see the sides of the street for the other runners around me.   It was still a great run and I wasn't cold or uncomfortable until after I had stopped running and was wating at the finish line for BF.  I waited and waited and waited, then I waited some more and he never came.  The bad part was that he had left his phone in my car so I couldn't call him to see where he was.  I was worried he had slipped and been injured during the race and couldn't get a hold of me.  After 2 HOURS of waiting around in the cold yucky rain I got a call from a random Portland number so I answered and it was BF and Quizno's up the street.  I was relieved but also royally pissed off that I had been standing in the rain for 2 hours when I didn't need to. Turns out BF finished the race 3 minutes after me and had been standing further down the finish line looking for me as well, but then decided he needed to track down a phone so walked up the way from where we parked to call me.

We went home and took the hottest showers we could stand and made potato bacon soup to warm us up.  I then took a 2 hour nap and we cleaned the house and did laundry the rest of the evening.  FUN.  But it felt good to start the week with a clean house and clean laundry.

This week is a short one for me since I'm leaving for NY on Wednesday morning.  SPRING BREAK!  I've got some packing to do... and I'm sad about it since I will be packing pretty much what I've been wearing here all winter since NY is not expecting the end of winter just yet. 

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