Monday, March 7, 2011

PAM- Someone Got Paid for That?

On Friday night BF and I went to the Portland Art Museum and met up with my friend Dani for her birthday.  It was wet and gross outside and a perfect night to be inside.

I hadn't been to the art museum since high school so I was excited to see it again.  I dressed all smart and sassy, put on my amazing BCBG silver-gray boots and BF and I headed out.  Traffic was horrible, but we eventually made it.  We walked the museum and I was quite enthralled until we came upon this:

Apparently this painting had taken the artist a long time to research in order to get the proper balance of the exact colors in order to make the viewer "calm".  Are you joking?  This did the EXACT OPPOSITE to me as I looked on in shock.  Someone actually paid money for this?  If this is the way to make money, buy me some canvas and paints and let me at it!  I honestly don't understand this type of "art".  But there were plenty of other fine paitings, sculpture, etc. on display that I did enjoy.

 This last painting reminded me of that odd actor, Harlan Williams, so I had to take a picture.

Also, this just in, you can now take pictures at the art museum.  I remember they used to come and scold you for that, which I just never understood.

We had a wonderful time although my feet were KILLING ME by the end (damn you, good looking boots!).  I think BF and I are planning on going back, in more comfortable shoes, to explore more and maybe even pop in next door and see the modern art as well.

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