Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And She Squealed with Delight!

OMG, have you been to a store recently?  Besides "Back to School" stuff, do you know what is creeping into the seasonal aisles of my favorite places?


Every year I about hyperventilate when I find Autumn decorations and Halloween stuff popping up in stores.  I LOVE FALL.  Everything about it.  I love warm days and cool crisp nights, I love hot cocoa and cider in the evening, I love the colors of the changing leaves, I love fall-harvest produce, I love wearings jeans and boots and sweaters, I love handing out candy and getting cutesy decorations, I love dressing up!

I mean, I love all holidays, but for some reason Halloween has a special place in my heart. 

I ventured to Joann's the other day with BF to find a few crafty items for his classroom when lo-and-behold!  Halloween and Fall decorations greeted me as I entered and I was in heaven.  BF lost me for a while as I roamed the aisles and I immediately picked out a cute Autumn themed welcome sign to hang in our entry way. I made notes of the decorations I needed to go back and look out without BF because I don't think he'd appreciate spending massive amounts of time there the way I do.

Anyhow, so more errand running later and I had to go to Petsmart to get some things for Rudy when I found the seasonal pet item aisle.  I didn't buy him any fall or halloween themed toys because most of them have squeakers in them or are made of materials that Rudy would eat pretty quickly, but I did find an ADORABLE line of pet Halloween costumes and I needed no persuading.  I picked out a good one (one that I think Rudy wouldn't mind too much) that glows in the dark.  I took pictures of Rudy in it when I got home- you know, just to be sure it fit, but I'll wait to post those until closer to Halloween.

Also, in my travels around town I noticed that Martha Stewart makes a damn good line of products.  At the craft store I was instantly drawn to her Autumn themed decorations and at Petsmart I fell in love with her pet products.  I mean, I've always loved the woman, I feel like we are very similar, but it's like she read my mind when creating some of these things.  Like the pet-grooming caddy.  Right now we currently store Rudy's grooming items in a bucket so they are all together, but I have to dig for items frequently.  I'm so tempted to buy that caddy so everything has it's own place (nothing will get lost) and it's cute. 

Oh yeah, and today is the first day of school here in Portland.  BF and I spent countless hours coloring and cutting and getting organized for the first week of school (did you know some curiculum comes in black and white and you have to color and put it together yourself? LAME).  BF was so excited and nervous  yesterday, but I'm sure that today is going to go well.  He's teaching 1st Grade this year and I think it's going to be so much fun!  I'm hoping I get to chaperone some of the field trips!

 I'm also sure that parents are excited for their kids to be occupied for a good part of the day now. I was at Target the other day and I felt bad for this poor lady- she had 4 kids between the ages of 2 and 12 and I could tell she was just done.  They were shopping for school supplies and one of the middle kids kept poking the little one in the cart to make her cry and the older one was asking for EVERYTHING in the store and the other middle one was running to and fro down the aisle leaving bottles of Elmer's glue and pink erasers in his wake.  I love kids, but I also love not having them yet.  My trips to the store are much less stressful.

Anyhow, I'm beyond excited that Fall is on it's way.  Not that we had too much of a summer, but I cannot help it that I love this time of year.

Speaking of summer... what's with the heat this week?  I mean, NOW we have to start using the AC?  It's freakin' September!

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