Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This Week's Lessons

Oh the things you learn in life!  Or, really, the things you learn while trying to be proactive about having to change your name a million different places because you are getting married.

Why is it so hard to change your name?  Getting married is the easy part and saying you have a new name is cake, but then trying to get everyone to change your last name in their system is one giant headache.

There are some things that I cannot change my name on until after I have the certified copies of our marriage license like my drivers license, social security card and bank/credit card accounts.  But in the spirit of being organized and ready to be married I found a few things at work that I could start the process of changing my last name before I had said license.  So that's what I aimed to do.

On Monday I notified work and submitted the proper forms to have my email changed and my login account information changed to my new name.  They asked when I would like the change to take effect since while they change it I will not be able to login to any systems at work.  I said this coming Friday after business hours would be great and they said perfect!  And everything was perfect until this morning.  I came into work and found that I  couldn't login to my email, so I called our help desk.  The help desk researched what was going on and found that my email and login information had actually been changed super early this morning and they had not, in fact, waited until Friday.  Fine, I thought, this works too!  But no, it did not.  Because they prematurely set up my  new email and login, they deleted my old profile... the same profile with which I access pretty much every other system that I need to work in during the day.  That means that no matter how hard I tried I could not get anything done because my old login was now defunct and my new login was not yet in the system.  

I've spent quite a chunk of my day so far on the phone with various departments trying to get my old/new information updated and corrected so I can actually DO SOME WORK.  This also means that I cannot track my actual work hours either, which may end up impacting my pay unless they get it fixed before I'm out of the office for a week.  I'm sure they will, but I'm a little worried right now!  Don't worry, I'm keeping notes on my hours worked so that when I can access the system again I can update my hours. 

They make this quite hard on those of us who choose to change our names.  

So this week I've learned the importance of waiting to do things until they actually have to be done because sometime proactivity isn't helpful.

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