Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I May Be Crazy...

This week I've really hit a nice stride at the gym. And by that I really mean that I love the gym.


You heard right.

Shocked? I kind of am. I'll give you all the lurid love affair details.

So I started getting back in to working out last year when I decided I was going to run and then run in some fun races. I cannot believe that I actutally ran in the Hood to Coast race and didn't die. I lost some weight and realized that I actually liked to run- even in high school when I was in pretty fabulous shape I hated running. Anyhow, this past fall/early winter I started the Whittle Your Middle challenge with a few friends. I didn't really like the program that the creator of the workout used, so I asked BF to write me a workout plan that would work for me. He did an excellent job (and still does since that plan changes every few weeks). I've been going to the gym a few days a week doing weight training and some cardio. Now I've upped it and I hit the gym 4 days a week for weights and cardio and one extra day on my own just doing cardio.

At first going to the gym was something I dreaded... not to the point that would send me into depression, but I would definitely drag my feet on getting ready and getting there. As I started seeing some results (read: weight loss) I got a little more motivated. Then I started seeing muscles and I really found my motivation. Last week I noticed that I am starting to get some ab definition. AB DEFINITION people. Even when I was 30 lbs lighter and getting over mono I lacked ab definition. And my legs! OHHHEMMMGEEEE.

Needless to say I'm totally hooked now. It's a bad day for me when I don't get to work out. I sort of live for it, but I still have days where I don't want to get out and I want to eat cookies and chocolate all day (hey, I'm still a girl). And all of this working out makes eating healthier easy. That sounds weird but it's true. I have more energy when I eat cleaner- heck, I just have more energy in general now.

The thing that I really like about the gym is that I see where I've come from and I see where I can go, it's just up to me. Weight training makes me feel powerful (oh, and it's good for your bone density) and unlike home, there are an infinite amount of things I can do if I get bored (which happens pretty easily). I'll admit that it's taken me a while to feel 100% comfortable working out there (I'm BIG into having my own personal space and NOT being around other people's cootie germs) but now it feels normal. Something about going to the gym fuels me. I plan my days around getting there and having enough time to get what I want to do done. I sound insane. I know.

I've reevaluated my goals and I've decided that I need to keep going. Don't worry, I'm not going to turn into a female body builder or a rail-thin exercise freak; I'm keeping the goals healthy and attainable. I thought it would take much longer than it has to see results that I liked, so I'm very pleased.

Next challenge- getting ready for bathing suit season. I know it's 3+ months away, but I got my Victoria's Secret catalog the other day with all the cute bikinis and I've already earmarked the pages. I'll be damned if I don't look better than the VS models this summer. Damned. It's gonna be some hard work (thank you ahead of time, BF, for your help and support!) I want to point out now that my downfall is food. When I eat well, my results are on point. When I stray my energy goes down and everything else sucks. Have I mentioned that I LOVE food? And I LOVE bad for me food. Like I said, downfall. But I don't have to let it be.

What are you doing to be awesome this year?

Side Note: I am addicted to watching Biggest Loser. It ALWAYS makes me cry. EVERY WEEK.


Ben said...

I've really let myself slip the past 2 years, so I'm reintroducing myself to the 4 day per week workout. I've always played basketball and other sports on a weekly basis, but they don't do as much for your waistline as they used to when you play them 5-6 days per week along with workouts.

It's called my be.happy.get.fit plan.

Are you working out at the Bo or the Lance?

Heather said...

Neither, I'm going to LA Fitness. I like it better for a few reasons.

1. Better hours of operation
2. I don't have to see work people (even though they are nice)
3. I get to LEAVE work when I'm done and not get there until I need to work.

Ben said...

Totally makes sense. I worked in the Bo and the Lance for a year and a half. I loved it, but a lot of times felt the need to get away. The sports leagues were a lot of fun though.