Wednesday, July 27, 2011


BF and I watched "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and it is now my favorite and most quotable movie. It's pretty safe to say that if it's a Wes Anderson film, I'll like it.  It's based off of the lovely Roald Dahl children's book "Fantastic Mr. Fox".  I also LOVE Roald Dahl.  Very fond childhood memories of reading his books.  If you haven't seen or read it, I suggest doing both.  It's also a kid-friendly movie other than a little bit of violence (PG rating).

So this week I feel like an absolute bonehead.  At work I'm keeping up with the manic pace of things just fine, but at home I'm completely lacking my usual motivation and organizational gusto.  I haven't vacuumed, I haven't done any cleaning other than daily dishes (with BF's help, mostly) and I left a load of wet clothes in the wash completely forgotten.  When I did remember it (2 days later) I opened the lid cautiously, knowing that I would find a wet mildewy heap of clothes to rewash and that's exactly what I found.  I had to rewash the load, on hot with a drop or two of bleach to kill the moldy mess.  Lukily, my clothes weren't ruined.

I also did another awesome thing where I miscounted days on the calendar and stopped my birth control almost a FULL WEEK before I was supposed to (how long have I been doing this whole lady-days thing?) so I spent a couple days feeling like complete ass because my body was all "Hormones... what???" until my period finally started.  I know that's probably WAY too much information, but that's my week.   

Really looking forward to camping this weekend!

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