Wednesday, June 18, 2008


is a wonderful thing. Some people call it by different names. Some folks just stick to the philosophy that what goes around comes around and vice versa and don't call it anything. Some attribute it to a higher power, be it God or otherwise, balancing life and the universe. I've even labeled it "vibes" in certain context while talking about one of my many life theories. Either way, I think we all agree that this "Karma" thing exists to a certain extent.

I'm a pretty proactive girl and usually don't sit around and wait for things to happen to me. I see what I want or need to do and do it. That simple; for the most part. Because I am this way it's sometimes hard for me to ignore mean/rude/aggravating people and just "turn the other cheek". I don't condone revenge nor do believe in "getting back at people", because that's what I've been taught- although sometimes I really want to... and occassionally I do because I just can't resist (hey, I'm not perfect). There's a certain amount of built-in frustration to this way of living, however I've always believed that if you do the right thing, everything will work out fine in the end. Sometimes it takes "the end" FOREVER to come, so the equalizing results are just not seen immediately... very hard for a proactive and antsy girl.

Life is good at this; making me wait for things. I guess I need to learn patience, although that is arguable. Back to the point- once we give up that "karma"/the universe/a higher power will take care of what's been done, something amazing happens; "Karma" delivers. Usually double. What do I mean? I mean it does the bad thing back to the person who originally committed the bad thing, and then it gives a good thing to the person who was wronged. You can't always see it, but it happens. And the best part about it is that usually "Karma" lets the wronged person know that things have been equalized. You may have to wait a while; you may get to the point where you think that life is unfair; you may get re-frustrated at what was done and then have to wrestle with it and then forgive and get over it. You may do these things many times over for years sometimes and then you will forget. And then Karma gives you a gift.

So thank you "Karma" (as I will now collectively call it). You make doing the right thing even better, and you make doing the wrong thing positively scary. Evil-doers beware.


Jeff said...

Hey Heather! Good talking with you earlier today.

I set up our blog and linked back to you. It is at I am not sure how much Lenie is going to post (she doesn't really get it) but all is well.

- Jeff

Courtney B said...

Heather! Love the post... you are great! It is very true.