Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No Nap...

and I was so upset. Seriously almost to tears. I had to run last minute errands for work because there are crazy meetings and things going on today and tomorrow so they HAD to get done. So I ran around town looking for race-themed items for meeting supplies, etc. FYI- found some totally WT can-cozy things with Nascar drivers and logos on them. Yay!

But back to sleep: by the time I got home it was almost eight o'clock and I was SO hungry. My mom suggested we go on a quick walk and then go get something to eat. I said sure since I try to be active everyday... and really hadn't done any exercise yesterday up to that point. So we walked briskly then hopped in the car to go get food. We drove all over the place trying to figure out what we wanted that was still open (surprisingly a lot of things close at 8 or 9... and it's still daylight. Weird. We finally got food and drove home. I had to put together goody bags for the meetings and pack up my car with meeting supplies before I could go to bed, so when it was all said and done, I didn't get a nap. Not even a second to sit down and relax at all.

Sad part is that I am going to be at meetings for work until 10 or 10:30 tonight so I won't get one tonight... and tomorrow I'm going to the Death Cab for Cutie show at Edgefield after work- which I think is actually better than a nap. I do have Friday off though. I'm so sleeping in and then taking a nap Friday. Maybe.

How do some people manage to take a nap almost every day? It's baffling.

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