Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Arctic Blast 2009!

I heart Oregon.

Can I just say that I've lived in Oregon for about 10 years now and rarely has it snowed more than an inch at a time, but in the past two years it has snowed about 5 inches a day when it has snowed.


For many reasons.

Reason #1: I get to work from home or not work at all. I stay in my PJ's until noon and eat food and watch the dumb morning shows with the laptop open next to me but really just wasting electricity.

Reason #2: It's BEAUTIFUL. I love how snow looks and at night it never really gets dark because all the moonlight and streetlights reflect on everything.

Reason #3: The cats totally freak out. I mean, they see the snow and whine at the back sliding glass door until I let them out and then they tenatively walk out to the edge of the deck and stick their little paws into the cold snow. Occassionaly they run around the yard in it- well, only one cat is brave enough... the other sits on the deck watching but too scared to stick more than a paw out there and test the cold.

Reason #4: All of Portland shuts down when it snows. I think it's because no one knows how to drive in it, or they drive rear-wheel drive vehicles without traction devices. I feel bad for folks with Mustangs- I don't know why, but those poor cars are TERRIBLE in the snow. They just spin and slide. I, however, drive a lovely all wheel drive vehicle and have chains and know not to follow super close to other vehicles in icy conditions. I also know to get home before the asinine traffic starts and just watch the mayhem on the news. I wait for everyone else to get home and stay home before I venture out, if I venture out at all. Hot chocolate and books are made for days like this.

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