Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Because I'm A Dumb Girl..

There are many things that girls do that we shouldn't, and for some reason a lot of those things are UNEXPLAINABLE. That's just the way we are, we don't even think about it. It's auto-programmed.

I'm talking about CRYING.

I hate crying. I hate crying almost as much as I hate puking, or even more than puking depending on the situation.

I'm not one of those girls that cries for no reason... there's always a reason when I cry, it's just that once I get started I cannot stop crying. I've been this way for as long as I remember, and until my tear ducts are done, I continue to cry. It's the LAMEST THING EVER. Especially in front of boys.

This past weekend the BF and I went to Corvallis to visit friends and get out of town and away from crazy holiday shoppers, oh yeah, and eat at the Block 15- which is AMAZING. Anyway, day was going fine and then on the ride home we were talking and I asked some questions (because I'm nosey, duh, but really they were things I needed to know) and BF answered and then we kept talking and BF said some things that I took differently than he meant me to take them (we were both EXTREMELY exhausted at this point and on the verge of falling asleep in the car). So then I started crying. Crying because I felt bad, and then I felt bad about taking what he said wrong, and then I started thinking about how much of a dumb girl I am and I continued to cry.

Meanwhile, poor BF is sitting in the driver's seat wondering what the heck is going on. He is such a trooper because he sat there with me while I didn't make any freaking sense and just hugged me and held my hand (which made me feel like a royal ass for being so emotional).

I love that boy.

I hate being a girl.


Ksenia said...

I have so done that. And continue to do it every once in a (longish) while.

Heather said...

Yeah I don't do that often (actually, pretty rarely) but when I do I just want to die. It's one of the only hormonal things I do and it's WAY too much. Oh well. Glad I'm not the only one!