Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reasons I Know It's Fall

Oh, what happened to my summer?  I bought cute shorts for this summer that I never even got to wear.  UGH. 

But I really love Fall.  It's probably my favorite season because it's not too cold, there are beautiful colors everywhere, people start baking wonderful goodies, and it's close to Christmas.

Anyhow, this week has abruptly thrown us into Fall for good, I think, and here are my reasons I think so:

1.  There are spiders EVERWHERE.  Seriously.  At work they have built these huge webs between all of the pillars of our walkways and hedges and they are definitely fattening up.  I've found a ton of spiders in the house recently, just hanging out.  When I start seeing more spiders, I know the colder weather is coming.  They are fattening up for the winter and heading indoors!

2.  There are brown leaves on my front doorstep.  Every morning for about a week now I've woken up to find a collection of small brown crunchy leaves strewn about my entry.  Then I look up and realize that some trees and bushes are already turning colors.  I'm excited for the yellows, reds, and oranges.

3.  I have to wear a sweater to work.  The past week or so I've had to bring a sweater or jacket to work with me because I am freezing in the morning and then freezing again as soon as the sun starts to go down.

4.  It rained buckets yesterday. 

5.  I made cider this morning.

6.  They have soup in the cafeteria at work. 

So here comes Autumn, ready or not!

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