Monday, May 9, 2011

Apparently I'm Great With a Sword

I've been having some strange dreams lately, an no, I'm not eating before I go to bed.

I have a past of strange, vivid dreams and even dreams that almost exactly lay out a future day or event that I will live.  I've gotten used to it, but I've gone through a pretty long run without these dreams.

I woke up on Saturday after having quite the gruesome dream involving myself, a sword and a nasty ex relative of mine.  Here's what happened (WARNING, it's violent):

For some reason my mom and I went back to NY to visit family.  We were staying in what was supposed to be my grandparents house (but it's not because it looked nothing like it).  Anyway, we took my grandparents out for dinner and shopping and when we returned we noticed that the house and been broken into and a few things stolen.  We were in the process of cleaning it all up when my mom, grandma and I heard a noise coming from the other end of the house.  I walked through the mostly dark living room and started entering a hallway when I noticed this figure slowly walking towards me.  The figure came into the dim light of the living room and I recognized a former uncle of mine (not blood related, but related by marriage, and then they got a divorce).  As he was moving towards me I noticed that he had a fire poker in his hand from the fireplace set.  I turned and ran as fast as I could to the kitchen and yelled for my mom and grandma to run outside and call for help.  Quickly I grabbed at the knife block for any available knife and headed back to the living room.  On the way I noticed a decorative sword on a plaque and heaved it off of it's setting just in case I needed more than the kitchen knife (Let's pause here- a decorative sword at one of my relatives' house is really not out of place if you know them).  I reached where the man stood waiting for me and waited for him to do something, anything.  I few seconds passed as he looked at me creepily and then he swung the poker in my direction.  He missed and I took the opportunity to jab at him with the kitchen knife.  I realized in that second that the sword would serve me better, so I let the knife fall and began swinging away with the dull sword.  I knicked the man a couple times and finally landed a good blow across his chest.  As he was reacting I drew the blade across his neck.  The cut was shallow, my mind screamed at me to finish him before he could finish me so I did.  I plunged the sword directly into his throat and wrenched it sideways.  His eyes bulged and flashed wildly around for a second before he fell to the ground.  I ran back to the kitchen and out the back door to find my mom and grandma.  Then I woke up.

Here's what I find so odd about this dream:

1.  I haven't thought of this uncle in ages.  Since he's no longer part of the family we don't talk to him or even about him.

2.  Usually in dreams I don't feel so in control or capable of doing much.  It's that slow dream-run and weak punches that are the norm in my dreams so running so quickly and landing such effective, powerful strikes against someone felt strange.  Good, but still foreign.

3.  It's so violent.  I don't watch a lot of violent or scary films and I definitely don't have a lot (or really any) violence in my life.

Of course, when things are odd I try to research them.  A lot of times "they" say that objects and events in your dreams are symbolic so I looked up a couple of the key objects online and in my dream dictionary and here is what I found:

A). Sword- To dream that you are wielding a sword, represents your strength, ambition, competitive nature decisiveness and willpower. You are looking to hold a position of prestige, authority, and distinction. Alternatively, the sword may be seen as a phallic symbol and thus represent masculine power. (taken from

B). Killing- To dream that you kill someone, indicates that you are on the verge of losing your temper and self-control. Consider the person you have killed and ask yourself if you feel any rage towards him or her in your waking life. Your dream may be expressing some hidden anger. Alternatively, you may be trying to kill an aspect of yourself that is represented by the person killed. Identify the characteristics of this person and ask yourself which of these qualities you are trying to put an end to.

I also looked this one up in my dream dictionary and it said close to the same thing.

I'm pondering over this and I have no idea. 

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