Monday, May 16, 2011


There are SO MANY things going on I don't even know where to start.  I guess I'll make a list:

1.  My allergies are trying to kill me.  Seriously.  They are SO BAD this year I have an almost constant sinus headache/itchy nose/runny nose/etc. The Zyrtec is not working so I'm going to switch back to the Claritin.  We'll see what happens.  I'm doing the Neti pot, but that doesn't help with the itchy eyes and eczema.  I need a bubble to live in for a while.

2. Last week we had meetings for work, most of which I facilitated/ran so it was a BUSY week.  I didn't get much sleep so on Friday I woke up and felt like death and only worked at the office for 3 hours before coming home with my laptop and taking a nap while somewhat monitoring work email.  Hey, it still counts as work if I'm responding to emails.  I still feel like I'm catching up on sleep.

3.  I have about a bajillion meetings coming up that I need to plan and organize.  I should just be a meeting planner, really.   Who knows when I'm going to have time to get this done.  It'll get done, it just may be closer to the actual meeting dates than I would like.

4.  I'm trying to get organized for the garage sale.  The more I think about it, the more I tempted to just dump it all off at Goodwill.  Is it worth spending a day sitting outside selling and haggling over stuff?  Maybe, maybe not.

5.  Purging forgotten areas of the house.  Each day or two I find a new place in the house to organize.  I've been neglecting the hall closet and extra bathroom because I have a couple boxes of beauty products that I don't use and that I just need to get rid of- but I don't want to sit and go through them all, and I NEED to.  Do I need 50 shades of nail polish?  No because really I only use the same 4 colors regularly if I have my fingers/toes done at all.  Seriously, it all needs to go.

6.  Still having crazy dreams.  The last one involved an alligator playing with one of Rudy's chew toys. 

So now that those are out of the way...

What's going on with our crap weather?  Where the heck is Spring?  I feel completely jipped, this is March weather, not middle of May weather.  I demand a refund!

Still daydreaming about camping and hiking until it dries out and we can get outside.

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