Thursday, May 26, 2011

Music So Good You Can't NOT Listen to It

It feels like genuinely good art, music, films, etc are few and far between these days.  I sometimes wax poetic about my middle and high school days when I would buy a album and listen to the whole thing, start to finish, for days on end until I knew every line in every song.  Fond memories of the days when I could listen to an entire album without skipping a single song are recurrent in my mind these days because I'm not sure why I compulsively hit the forward button on my iPod and skip a song (or multiple) on most albums.  It begs the questions- 1) Are bands losing sight of what good music is and what makes up a complete album? 2) Have we become so ADD that we cannot wait it out and see if a song it good?

No and No are my answers.  It seems that while the answers in some band's and people's cases may be Yes, in general no.  This revelation came to me a couple weeks ago when the Foo Fighters released their newest album, Wasting Light.

I can't even begin to describe how this album made me feel; song after song I was lifted closer and closer to my utopian remembrance of what a "good album" is.  I didn't skip any songs; I find each one has it's own likeability and qualities that make them listenable. 

I should stop here and say that if you aren't a fan of this type of music, you probably won't get what I'm saying or like the album at all.  So there's my caveat.

But really, this album brought me back to all that is good in my mind.  There are a range of songs on here, from the throaty yells and driving tempos that Dave Grohl is famous for to the melodious ballads you want to slow dance to with your prom date.  Seriously, it gives me those fuzzy-framed flashbacks when I listen to it.  The lyrics are genuine and unpretentious and relatable.  The music pulls you in and makes you feel the lyrics.  Also, you can sing along to most of the songs, even if you are a little tone deaf.

So despite being INSANELY busy at work and in life right now, I'm enjoying this album daily.

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