Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Finally Here!

Spring has finally decided to arrive in Oregon and it is beautiful.  Last week I was freezing and cold and wet and this week I'm wearing skirts and sandals- huzzah!

I'm having a difficult time working and staying inside; but I'm also still having a difficult time with allergies so I'm torn about being outdoors.  As of yesterday I have a lovely rash on my face that looks like little pimples.  It's awesome... but I'm not going to complain becuase it's in the 70's!  And I don't have to wear a coat!  And I can open the windows and get fresh air in the house!

This week has gone by pretty fast (can't believe it's Thursday!) and I'm hoping the weekend isn't so fast so I can enjoy it.  It's my month to plan BF's and my date so we are having it this Saturday.  I would tell you what it is but then it will spoil the surprise for BF. 

I also get to see my lovely friend Dani this week!  She lives in Utah so we don't get to see each other or talk as often as we'd like to.  I'm excited to see what she's been up to and how her travels to Brazil were.

I'm off to plan some outdoor adventures! 


Ksenia said...

I've had a few people mention that eating local honey alleviated allergies to pollen. But it has to very local, within a few miles of you and takes time (maybe even a whole season) to see the results.

Also, garage sales are SO MUCH WORK. It ended up being worth it for us though. If you post a craig's list ad for your garage sale, there are often people who will contact you saying that they will come pick up all of the leftover stuff at the end of the garage sale. I wish we would have done this instead of having to make four trips to Goodwill at the end of the day. Good luck.

I am LOVING the weather as well. woohoo!

Heather said...

I will definitely have to research local honey because at this point I will try anything. Thanks for the tip!