Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Time Travel Tuesday

Here it is, my first Time Travel Tuesday! Each week I will be reminiscing and maybe even sharing old photos and their accompanying stories. Let us commence:

The photo above was taken in Colorado on a camping trip with some friends. I think I was 14 or so, just out of middle school and into the great unknown that is freshman year.

Middle school was a funny time. And middle school in the 90's was even funnier. We all wore baggy clothes, skate shoes, and wore strange big jewelry, usually made of safety pins or chaines, or both. Our clothing was also adorned in various metal object ranging from the already mentioned safety pin to the "hard-core" screw-on spikes that were harder to find in those days. It was also an era of pop-punk and ska. If you are unfamiliar with "ska", you may be able to identify it somewhat with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones or Reel Big Fish-type music. They were rock bands outfitted with a horn section , usually with upbeat California-themed songs. Sometimes there was screaming, but not in the scary death metal way.
The above picture is of me and a group of friends during the aforementioned era. Notice , if you can, the guy in the blue sweatshirt... he is wearing a Five Iron Frenzy sweatshirt; a "ska" band that happened to be my abosolute favorite. I would reccommend them to anyone for their vast array of lyric topics and their spunky melodies. They sing a spirited song about Canada, one about their homestate of Colorado and a few politically charged anthems. I had a handful of favorite songs... so if you're feeling adventurous check out "Every New Day", "Farsighted", and "The Day We Killed" just to name a few...

The first two pictures are not complete without this one, which is on the same camping trip that the first picture was taken,
and we ate coffee flavored ice cream in the middle of the night in our tent. We then were startled by the bright light of a meteor zooming in to the earth's surface. It lit the sky up a crazy luminous green color before it disappeared behind some hills... a few hundred miles away in Utah. It was a great camping trip... safety-pinned sweatshirts and all.
Good thing I didn't find a picture with me in flannel... go 90's!

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