Monday, January 12, 2009


... here I come!

Despite my recent injury, I have decided to run the Helvetia Half Marathon. I know that some folks have been talking about maybe doing it, and I really want to do it. I feel like I just need to prove to myself that I can. Plus, I really don't want to suck at the Hood to Coast later this year.

I have to let people know I'm doing this so that I don't quit. Seriously... I figure if I tell people, I won't let myself NOT run this race. I've put myself on a pretty rigorous rehab schedule for my ankle- which is healing quite nicely now (pics to come?) so I will start actually running in two weeks.... TAKE THAT 2 month healing time. Hydrotherapy... and some great homeopathic rememdies are my saving grace. Of course, I'm going to take it slow until I know I'm not in danger of reinjuring myself, but I'm so excited.
Also, I've kind of debated with my resolutions for this year, but basically I want to run as much as I can. I feel as if my health in general will improve naturally if I just go with one thing.
I love company, so if you are wanting to join the race, or just run... feel free. I'm not the best or the fastest, but I want to do it.


Ashleigh said...

Yay! I'm runnning the Salt Lake City Half marathon in April. I'm not a runner, nor have I ever been in my entire life, but I think it will be good for me. If I don't die, maybe I'll join you in the run!

Heather said...

That is so great... I feel like I'm going to look ridiculous and it may kill me but I'm so determined to do it! If you are up to it, definitely come run with me! What are you doing to train?

Ashleigh said...

HA! I'm not doing what I should to train. I am just starting out with my training and I have come to the realization that I do not run! I can go for about 2 miles straight doing a fast jog, and that's about it. If I kick it up into high gear and try to go faster, I feel like crap and have to stop. I run every night on our treadmill and then do some light weights and stretching. That's it for now. I need to start running farther, but I just don't want to. I'm lazy! What are you doing to train?

Heather said...

Well, right now I'm swimming because of the ankle... but this weekend I'm going to try out the eliptical. Before I was injured I was running about 3 miles every other day and doing light weights for 45 minutes. I found some great sites that help with half-marathon training and they give great tips and running plans. I'll have to find the links and send them to you!