Monday, January 5, 2009

Yeehaw 2009!

If the past couple of days is any indication of how 2009 will go, can we just fast forward to 2010? Please?

1. Ok, so I knew it would happen eventually, but I was just counting on the declining economy to save me; my townhouse sold so I had to move. Yuck. And, might I add, that it sold for far too much- more than I would have paid for it, but I absolutely LOVED that house. I also hate packing things up and lugging them back down the three flights of stairs. I have heavy furniture and boxes of clothing and shoes that outweigh me. I had to do this all with a sprained ankle.

2. I sprained my ankle VERY badly. I thought I broke it and so did the ER doctor until they took about a million x-rays. I was walking down my upper flight of stairs carrying a very light box and was almost to my living room landing when I hit the last stair wrong, heard a gigantic gut-wrenching POP-CRACK and went sprawling into my living room still holding on to my box of stuff. My first instinct was to get up off the floor, but as soon as I moved my leg I realized that I was going to need to stay down. Then I realized that the loud sound I heard wasn't my box of stuff hitting the floor, it was me. I rolled over and slid my boot off (my first thought was if I broke my ankle they would have to cut my boot off of my hugely swollen foot- and I had just gotten them for Christmas so I would be damned if my boot was to lay in pieces on the ER floor). Before I took my sock off I could see the golf-ball sized lump on my ankle- and it was growing ever larger. Luckily I had my cell phone in my pocket so I got it out. For about two seconds I thought about calling 911, but then I began to think logically so I called my mother who said she would be right over and not to move. So I did the only thing I could think of doing and rolled a couple feet to my couch and put my leg up on it to keep it elevated and from getting any bigger. And then I felt it. It was so strange how delayed the pain was, but it was so bad I thought I was going to throw up or pass out, or both.

My mom got to my house about 10 minutes later (but it felt like two years later), put ice on my now baseball sized lump and made a splint from cardboard and bubble wrap. We drove to the ER and waited forever for a doctor to see me- but it was a little busy. They liked my mom's homemade splint and especially liked the bubble wrap, but they had to cut it off of me to look at my ankle. As soon as the doctor looked he said,"I want to say that it is definitely broken, but we have to get some x-rays first". So they wheeled me into the x-ray room and took pictures from every possible angle of my foot and ankle. Seriously, they just kept moving me around and taking more and more x-rays. Then they came back and said it wasn't broken but that it was severely sprained and that I was going to have to keep it wrapped, on ice and in a stabilizer for a while. The estimated healing time is 2-3 months...

I almost choked. I just bought a gym membership. I'm training to run the Hood to Coast race this summer. I'm just getting to where I like running again because it's getting easier for me. AUGH! I was told to pretty much stay off of it for the first couple of weeks and then use it minimally until it has healed. I'm going to do all I can to speed the healing process up. If you have any good tips let me know! For now I'm just going to have to settle with mat Pilates (only the moves where I don't have to stand or put much weight on my feet) and swimming only with my arms (we call these 'pulls', and they are a great upper body workout and anaerobic exercise.

3. I feel like I'm on hold in life. I've totally said this before however I feel like I'm ready to move forward with certain things and when I start to, I only get so far before someone puts the brakes on it and I'm stuck again. It's like waiting on the starting blocks for the race to begin- every muscle twitching and ready to fire and propel you forward but when you finally have the go ahead, you hear the false start whistle and you have to start over and wait again. GAH! I need the advanced copy of my life so I can read ahead and see that it turns out ok.

Also, I should have taken pictures of my ankle when it first happened, but I didn't. I will take some later tonight and post them for your grotesque enjoyment. The bruising has started to subside a little and the swelling has gone WAY down, but it also seems as if the swelling has started to spread out and make my whole foot puffy instead of just my ankle.

I wonder if they will give me my x-rays if I ask...


Courtney B said...

That totally blows... NOT FUN. I had the same dreadful feelings about the beginning of 2009 because our house started some major water leakage on New Years Day. Hopefully it will work out and that 2009 will turn around... I mean, it has to :) It might get crazier before it gets awesome, but there will be awesomeness this year if we let it.

Feel better and don't hesitate to call us if you need ANYTHING!

Ashleigh said...

yuck! My sister broke her toe while in the middle of training, and she was miserable, too. It's nothing like a sprained ankle though. At least she could walk on her foot! Well, I hope it doesn't throw off the work outs too much. Hopefully things start looking up

Heather said...

Yeah, I think you are right... it has to turn around. Sorry to hear about your leakage! That is no fun.

Luckily I have a walking air cast so I don't have to use crutches... and I'm going to start hydrotherapy tomorrow to help speed up the healing. I think if I take it easy working out now and start wearing a brace when I can, I'll be fine to start running in a month.

Thanks for the support!