Friday, March 26, 2010

Gearing Up For...

... what could quite possibly be the most awesomest weekend yet.

Weekend Awesome #1:

Going to see Road House: the Play. Last month BF and I went to see the theatrical reading of the play, so it was sort of a dramatized reading of the play that they were going to eventually do. And it was hilarious. Well, now it's actually a full blown play so of course we HAVE to go see it. Plus our friend Meagan is in it. So... duh. In order to prepare for this wondrous event BF and I rented the original The Road House movie last night.

Weekend Awesome #2:

BF and I are going to Corvallis. Why? Why not, I say. But there are a few good reasons. First of all, BF wants to visit some friends. Second, because Downings Gym is there- it's BF's thing. Third, Block 15 is there and we are going to eat until we can't move. Also, they have a great little gelato place right down the way from Block 15 and I love me some gelato.

Weekend Awesome #3:

Roller. Derby.
That's right. We are headed to another exciting match (are they called matches? I don't know). This time it's the Breakneck Betties vs. the Guns N Rollers. I don't even need to say more about this. Oh wait, I do. This time my parents are coming as well. Double Awesome. I cannot wait to see my parents' reaction.

We'll see how it all turns out!

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