Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not a Good Combination

Me and electronics... especially automated ones. I noticed a few days ago that there's something wrong, and it could be me or it could be the sensors on automated electronics. Basically, if a door is supposed to open or a toilet flush, or if soap is to be dispensed or a sink to turn on, it will not if I am trying to use it.

I was at school with an armload of books, etc trying to get the automatic doors to open so I didn't have to set stuff down to get in. That didn't work, so I went over to the handicap accessible doors and pushed the button for the door to open there... and even that didn't work. I had to break down and set my stuff down to open the door, then prop it open with my foot and slide my stuff inside. Not fun. About a minute later as I'm trying to repack my gym bag a girl goes to the automatic door and it swings WIDE OPEN for her. She went to the vending machines, bought some goodies and proceeded to exit out of the handicap accessible doors that also swung open with ease for her. WHAT?!

That's not the only instance. I went to the mall today to pick up some shoes. I made a quick trip to the bathroom, where they have automated EVERTHING. I'm surprised they don't have a robot that will unzip your pants for you. Anyway, I put my hand under the soap dispenser and nothing came out. I tried the next one and the next one until I gave up and decided I would use my hand sanitizer instead. A kind lady noticed my dilemma and said her soap was working and I could come use that... so I did. Then I tried the sinks. The sink I started at didn't want to turn on at all. I waved my cupped hands in front of it, slowly at first and then more quickly but nothing happened. I moved down one sink to try my luck there- same thing. I moved on to the third sink, which turned on for aproximately 5 seconds before ceasing to work. So then what did I do? I was forced to rinse my hands in quick couple-second bursts until a sufficient amount of the suds and residue was off of my hands.

There are TONS of other times when this happens. It's sort of hilarious, but at the same time very frustrating. And don't ask me to show you... ever time I try to show someone how things don't work for me the device starts working fine. If you hang out with me enough you will see that nothing works for me like it should. GAH!

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