Friday, April 24, 2009

Flesh Eating Bacteria Death

Maybe two days ago I noticed an irritated spot on my index finger. I didn't think anything of it... it didn't really hurt or itch, it was just a red and kinda bumpy/flaky spot. I abuse my hands so having some sort of injury on it didn't phase me one bit.

That is until my skin started coming off of that spot in chunks. Oh, you heard right, big pieces of my skin were just falling off. The thing is it's not bleeding or sore or puffy or anything. It doesn't look diseased (despite there now being a big pink "new skin" spot). I slapped some triple antibiotic ointment on it and called it good. Then I ventured into the public.
And by "public" I mean Brian's house.

I then showed Brian this gross finger spot and he said," It's probably the flesh eating virus or something, no big deal."

WAY big deal. So I wiped it on him; if I'm going down I'm bringing him with me.

Basically, this post is a warning. If I'm dead in a few days and Brian has a spot on his hand too, we died from the flesh eating bacteria and or virus.

Here is phone pic of my finger spot taken today.

As I sit here and type this I remember vaguely that I may have grazed my finger on some cardstock as I was putting it in my filing cabinet on Tuesday and may have gotten a few tiny cuts from it (nothing that bled at all). But the warning still stands.

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