Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scent Memories

I've heard it said that scents are powerfully connected to our memories but I don't think I've ever really paid attention to that particular tidbit of information. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy smells and it's nice when something smells familiar- like home (I really like fabric softener smells like Downey because that's what my mom used when I was little) but I've never really had a moment where because of a smell I remember a person/place/event, etc. And yesterday I did.

I went to a local grocery store to pic up some fruit, but had to make a quick stop in the restroom first. As I stepped into the restroom I immediately thought of high school and sneaking out of the house to go hang out with some friends and a guy I was dating. SCANDALOUS! Not really, but at the time it totally was. The activities that usually followed were not anything out of the ordinary- usually a Starbucks run and then to some one's house for movie watching or video game playing or hot-tubbing. Anyway, so I realized that someone must have been wearing the same cologne that the guy I was dating at the time wore or must have freshly applied it shortly before I came in the restroom. Strange because it's a men's cologne, but not so strange now that I think about it because I sometimes wear Burberry Touch for men. I digress...

After my little bathroom time travel, I started to think about how many other smells I have connected to memories. Until I smell them I won't remember I guess, but it'll be a fun surprise.

Oh yeah... and the cologne that brought back all of this?

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