Monday, April 20, 2009

Hilarious Health Advice

It's no secret that I want to get in shape and be able to wear a bikini this summer without embarassing myself. It's also no secret that getting in shape is freakin' hard. I've been trying to arm myself with enough knowlegde and enough tools to be successful at this. In my quest I ran across a couple of book reviews about Skinny B***h, a book about how to be healthier and get in shape specifically for women.

This book is definitely not for everyone- if you are sensitive to swearing and don't respond well to sarcasm and dry humor, DO NOT READ IT. That is my warning, but I, however, am finding it to be the perfect motivation. Not only do the authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin tell it like it is, but they have really done their homework in the food industry and I'm learning about some SERIOUS healthy eating faux pas that have been passed along to me as "diet truths", when in fact they're probably hindering my progress. (Did you know that Aspartame was rejected by the FDA 3 times before it was allowed to be added to our foods? Even then, it was only "approved" because the statute of limitations on the research behind the original testing ran out. And did you know that refined white sugar is usually filtered by charred animal bones? YUCK)

Also, this book is so funny I laugh out loud sometimes while reading, which is great because I usually give up on non-fiction advice type books pretty quickly if they don't entertain me right away. If you need clarity on healthy eating/exercising/living I suggest you check this book out.

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