Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Karmic Balance

Like I mentioned, I got my new car!  I left work a little early because I couldn't handle just sitting and waiting any longer.  I headed to the dealership, signed my name, grabbed the keys while tossing the Subaru keys at them and drove away a very happy girl.

I went home and danced around and ran some errands with BF just so I could drive some more.  I let BF drive home from the store so he could experience the AMAZINGNESS of the new car as well.  It was awesome.

We got home after running errands and I went to go put sweats on so we could lounge around and watch a movie when I heard BF exclaim, "RUDY!  What did you do?"

I came out of the bedroom and found BF standing in the hallway with one foot raised looking at a wet spot on the carpet.  We were both shocked because Rudy hasn't had an accident on the carpet in a while.  Then I noticed that there were more dark areas on the carpet, so I stepped closer to inspect them when my feet got soaked.  You could hear an audible "SQUISH" as water oozed up from the carpet and out over my feet. 

We then realized that the WHOLE HALLWAY was soaking wet in front of the laundry closet.  I opened the laundry closet doors and saw standing water all around the washing machine and dryer.  We ran for towels and started sopping up as much of the water as we could.  I looked all around for the source of the leak, but I'm pretty sure it's from within the washing machine since the pipes in the wall were dry. 

We were unsucessful at getting the water out of the carpet with towels alone so we drove to my parents' house to borrow their shop-vac to suck up the rest.  BF took Rudy for a walk (because if there's one thing Rudy doesn't like it's vaccuums... thusly bigger, louder ones are probably not welcome either) while I diligently ran the shop-vac hose over the hall carpet.  25 minutes later the carpet felt only marginally drier (but I'd gotten about a gallon of water out of it) so we found some fans and set them in the hallway to help dry it out overnight. 

BF called the maintenance people and left a messsage, so I'm hoping they drop off the new washer today and take the old one away.  I do not have the time for them to sit around while they try to fix the thing.

It's all Universal Balance I guess... one good thing happens while a not so good one happens. 

BUT, I have a new car!

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