Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bluesy Tuesday

BF stayed home from work sick today.  That is totally unlike him.  Usually he takes a nap and wakes up feeling 100% better when I take a week or two to get over a cold.  Not this time.  I feel so bad for him.

My friend Dani posted something funny about how Tuesdays are the worst day of the week because they aren't close enough to coming off of the previous weekend and are so far from the next upcoming weekend and the other days have better attributes.  I think she is right.  There's not a lot that is good about Tuesday.

I left work early yesterday because I had a crazy migraine- the kind where lights hurt my eyes and sounds that I usually tune out or don't notice seemed to be echoing at 140 decibals around the office.  I had to get out of there fast once people starting eating their lunches- the food smells made me so nauseous I thought I was going to lose my breakfast at my desk.  I went home and Rudy let me take a 1.5 hour nap before he decided that I'd rested enough and that it was time for me to be awake.  Just like a kid. 

Today I feel much better, but as I mentioned now BF has the death-flu '11 thing.  I still woke up with a headache, but today is much more manageable than yesterday. 

Anyhow, here's a list of things that I'm occupying myself with on this particular Tuesday:

1.  Test Driving Cars- I need to go trade mine in before I drive it off of a cliff so I'm hoping we can get out and test drive cars this coming weekend.  I want to test out a Honda Fit, a Nissan Versa, a Nissan Juke and a Mini just to do it.  I'll probably end up testing out some others along the way.

2.  Making Valentine's Day goodies- BF works at an elementary school and I work in an office and it's always nice when people bring treats for the holidays, so I'm wanting to do the same.  Not sure what I'll end up making, but you bet it's going to be pink, red, white and have sprinkles. 

3.  Exploring iPhone Apps- because I have no idea the extent of applications there are for my  new phone.  Some of them are probably useful... I've already discovered Angry Birds.  Awesomeness.

4.  Harry Potter- I want to sit down and watch them all again soon.  I love those movies and I love those books.  Why aren't there are series of books that captivate me like that right now?  I need that desperately.

5.  How can I make $1 Million by doing nothing?  I don't know.  I'd like to do that on top of my real job so I have the satisfaction of working, but so I can also take on-the-whim trips to fun places.  Especially right now, because I'm so tired of being cold and damp.

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