Thursday, February 17, 2011

The List Revisited

Hey... remember that list from last week of all the stuff I wanted to get to before I go to the meetings in San Diego next week?  See below:

1. Get my nails done. Ideally before the meeting so I don't look like a complete ruffian.

2. Get a hair cut- see above for reasonining.

3. Make my eye appointment and get contacts.

4. Get prescription sunglasses repaired so I have sunglasses while I don't have contacts.

5. Take old clothes and shoes and household items that have already been sorted out of house to donate.

6. Take boxes of "keep" house stuff to parents house to store.

7. Go through boxes of purses and shoes and donate what I haven't used in the last year.

8. Consolidate boxes of stuff that are half empty to take up less space.

9. Make dental appointment for later this spring.

10. Make vet appointment for Rudy's neuter procedure.

11. Vaccuum the house.

12. Dust the entire house and wax furniture.

13. Clean out extra bedroom.

14. Start planning my birthday.

15. Ask for some days off of work.

16. Return movies to the store that are duplicates of what we already have
I realize I've only gotten a few things done, but I have a nail and hair appointment for this weekend so that's two more down after Sunday!  And I'm planning on getting to the dusting and extra bedroom cleaning this evening.
I feel like I can do nothing but WORK until these meetings.   I also planned a trip to New York over Spring Break, so I'll be off of work for 2 weeks!  AWESOME!  We're only going to be in New york for a week, but I sure could use that extra time to just hang out.
There are a few things I'd like to add to the list, but I'm going to wait until I get back next week.

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