Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Throwing A Fit

Let me just do this.

I need this.

Why can't it be about me? Why can't one day be solely based around me and what I want and what I like and what makes me happy?

This is what I want. I think I need it for my sanity.

I work EXTREMELY hard and tirelessly. I pour my soul into what I do at work, for my family, for BF, for my friends and yet I don't feel like I get a lot of that back and it's starting to wear on me.

I'm not saying I'm entirely forgotten, but for the most part days and weeks go by without any recognition or any relief for my efforts.

On my day dedicated to me I want flowers and massages and hugs. I want lovely conversations and humor and pretty things. I don't want to be asked to do anything tedious or time consuming or requiring any effort. I don't want to hear complaints or whining. I don't want to do the dishes. I do want to spend most of that day with BF since our together time is rather limited due to work and his school/exercise schedule.

Will someone please give me this day?

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