Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quest for Something New

Sometimes my cardio gets boring. Boring to the point where I don't want to do it because it just seems tedious and lame.

When I start feeling like this I realize that I need to switch things up and try something new. This week I tried Spinning.

They have a cycle class most evenings at my gym, so I figured I would try it. I looked up online to see the average calories burned in a 1 hour cycle class and was delighted to find that the average is between 500 and 700 calories in a 45 minute class. My class was an hour long so I'll assume I was closer to the 700 area... and there was a puddle of sweat under my bike when I was done so I know I was really working.

I'm only a little sore from it (afterall, I have been lifting weights) but what I'm feeling the most is where my butt-bones (aka where your femur inserts in your hip/pelvis) from the dang seat. I could hardly sit down this morning and eat breakfast. I've been sitting on my wadded up jacket at work all day to give me some sort of cushion.

Now I see why those avid spinners buy the cycling shorts with padding. I thought they were just being dramatic, but lo, they are just trying to protect their poor little bums from bruising. I haven't looked, but I'm pretty sure I have bruises.

So I'm going back on Wednesday night.

Also, why is it so cold? It's MAY for Pete's Sake. Where is the warm spring sunshine and the DRY weather? It got down to almost freezing last night and I woke up in a ball inside my sheets and blankets this morning.

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