Thursday, May 27, 2010

Travel, and Why I'm Excited to Come Home.

I don't know what it is about traveling but it exhausts me. Something about not having the comforts of your stuff around with your comfortable area is a little draining.

I've been in Seattle this week for a work meeting. We are wrapping up our meetings this afternoon and I've been daydreaming about getting into sweats and curling up to watch a movie in bed. In my bed.

I also don't get to eat and snack on my regular schedule with my regular foods or exercise. I've been seeing great results and that has motivated me so I'm itching to get back into the gym and eating my "normal" foods.

Ahhhh, routines.

This weekend BF and I are going to the Timbers game and it's Memorial Day weekend which means NO WORK ON MONDAY! So that means probably awesome pictures to come. But I feel like I'll probably be cuddled up on the couch with BF watching movies for a lot of the weekend which is just fine as well.

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