Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things I Learned This Week **UPDATED**

1. Some people aren't "details" people. They say they are, and they get paid to be, but they aren't. It's no fault of their own if they don't posess the gift of hammering down all of the little things, but then again it is... if it is their job.

2. Don't react too quickly when people change plans because chances are you will probably be reacting to them changing back to the original plan very shortly.

3. Going to work parties and meetings is hard when you are trying to not eat junk food. These people like cake and cheese. And cheesecake. So do I.

4. BF is good at writing effective workouts. A) I am sore all over. B) I got a compliment yesterday on my arms that went something like this, "You should come to the gym with me and show me what you are doing because I want arms like yours." Alright. Good job, BF.

5. Sometimes you need to cry... even when you aren't PMSing.

6. I chew an insane amount of gum each week and I didn't even notice it. Someone at work noticed my office trash is mostly just full of gum wrappers and carboard gum boxes. And my gym bag always has gum wrappers in it because I like to chew fruity flavored gum when I work out. And my car trash compartment (you know, the little compartment that your arm rests on between the driver and passenger seat that has a hinged top?) has a multitude of gum wrappers and discarded gum packs waiting to be cleared out.

7. Even though the dentist says,"You can eat and drink on it right away," doesn't mean that you should. Because numb lips and cheeks are easy to bite. They also aren't great at keeping said food and drink inside your mouth.

8. Always keep HUGE umbrellas, rainboots, and a rain coat in your car if you live in Oregon. ALWAYS. Even if it's the end of May. Because Mother Nature in Oregon doesn't care what the "norm" is in May, it's gonna rain sideways and hail anyway. I do some of these, but not all. Guess which ones? ... umbrella and jacket. I should put boots in there as well.

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