Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Censorship- Let the Floodgates Open!

BF and I had an interesting conversation in the car last night, and it went a little something like this:

BF: "You are pretty funny when you don't censor yourself"

Me: "Yeah, I know, I'm HILARIOUS!!!!" (Laughing out loud to myself)

BF: "Like on your blog... you tell these awesome stories in real life and then you censor them for all of your friends that are Mormon or conservative.  You shouldn't.  It's your blog, tell your stories your way!"

Me: "Huh, I guess I kind of do that..." (no longer laughing)

So I guess that's my way of saying the censorship ends here.  I will apologize ahead of time if it offends anyone but I will not be leaving out the more hilarious bits of my life any longer because I'm afraid of offending someone or that one of my stories is too racy for someone to handle... because we all know how racy I am...


Ashleigh said...

HA! I'm Mormon, and you don't need to censor yourself for me...although, I feel the need to censor myself as well. Maybe I should be taking my own advice. Whatever, let it all out.

Heather said...

Thanks Ash! I never really thought that I was until it was pointed out to me! I guess I tell stories to Rian differently than I blog them :)