Thursday, May 17, 2012

Grandma's Say the Darndest Things

BF's grandmother, Nana, is a character.  This woman has some hilarious stories and will also blurt out whatever is in her head, regardless of the audience or context.  It makes for some very awesome visits.

A couple of weekends ago, BF and I, along with BF's parents, drove up to Chehalis where Nana and her husband live to help out with some yard work.  They are getting older and have a hard time keeping up the outside of the house like they used to so their neighbor kindly mows their lawn and every once in a while family will go weed and prune and rake the yard back into shape.  

Upon arrival, Nana greeted us and ushered us into the house to chat before we started working.  She offered us beverages, but apologized because all she had was water, milk and Coke.  Since we had just arrived and had pretty much just eaten breakfast we declined.  Because she's Nana she kept pushing the issue and here is the conversation that ensued:

Nana: "Are you sure you don't want a Coke?  I have plenty!  You are gonna get awfully warm working outside"

Me:  "Oh, I'm alright for now.  I can always grab one later if I get warm"

Nana:  "Yeah, you could.  I don't normally drink Coke.   Well, I do, but just not when I'm at home... mostly when I'm out and about."

Me:  "Yeah.  I don't drink a lot of soda in the first place, mostly water.  I'll have a soda once in a while if we are out for dinner or something".

(a few seconds of silence as Nana applied lotion to her hands and as I rummaged through my bag looking for my gardening gloves)

Nana:  "I do all of my Coke in the car!"

Me:  (silence as I try to process what she just said)...


... "Oh!  You mostly drink Coke or SODA in the car!"

Nana:  "Well, yeah!  I need it to keep me awake when we are driving around!"

Me:  (laughing internally and trying not to say anything until I can get my giggles under control)

A few minutes later I walked up to BF out in Nana's yard while he was setting up the powerwasher to hose of the deck and said, "Nana does all of her coke in the car!  She told me!"

BF just laughed and laughed when I recounted the conversation between myself and Nana.  Apparently when you are from the midwest you may call soda or pop "coke", even it's it's not Coca Cola.  And it gets better.

Later in the afternoon when we were taking a short break from the yard work, Nana came out to inspect our work.  We were just speaking in generalities about what type of work each type of plant needed and what BF and I were planning to do in our new backyard in regards to landscaping, etc.  Nana then recounted stories about her neighbor that sometimes helps out by mowing her yard.  Apparently he gets a little upset when the hedges and shrubs aren't trimmed because he has a hard time maneuvering the riding lawn mower around them and therefore misses patches of grass (Nana has a fairly expansive yard).  The conversation went as follows:

BF: "Now we know what types of shrubs we DON'T want!  Some of these are high maintenance!"

Me:  "Good to know before we buy and plant them."

Nana:  "Yeah, you know Dick was over here complaining about those bushes again. Good thing you guys are here!"

Me: "Yeah, glad we could help out!"

Nana:  "I said, "If Dick doesn't like the way my bush looks he can trim it himself!" (brushes her hands off as if she has been cleaning)

Me and BF:  (trying not to completely crack up in front on Nana and the family, knowing we are the ONLY ones that heard it that way... because obviously)

Awww... I have to start writing these down so we can look back and them and laugh.  I'm sure her funny quotes could fill a book!

So I feel like this post is going to be a recurring one every time we have a visit with Nana.

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