Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It Really Was a Monday

Sometimes this happens:

And then I sit and wait at Les Schwab and pass the time by listing things that I like and that I probably couldn't do without, and count my blessings that my biggest problem of the day is a flat tire.  Not doing too bad.

Here is the list that I came up with:

Beauty Products:
Weleda Almond Face Lotion
Maybelline Soft n' Full waterproof mascara in black
Acure Facial Argan Oil
Burt's Bees Acne Spot Treatment

First Aid, etc:
Mrs. Greenbalm's Healing Salve
Colloidal Silver gel
Tea Tree Oil
Aveeno Hydrocortisone Cream

Annie's Organic Cheddar Bunnies
Eros Greek Yogurt with Honey
Pink Lady Apples

That's all I came up with because they told me 45 minutes, but I thought, "No way, it'll be more like an hour," but really it was 45 minutes and I spent part of that on the phone with my mom.

BTW, Les Schwab is the best!  They were able to patch the tire and get it right as rain and did it for free!  Love that place.

In other news, I need to win the lottery.  Having a new house AND trying to book and pay for wedding stuff is EXPENSIVE.  We'll manage even if I don't win the lottery, but I can have dreams, right?

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