Monday, October 19, 2009

Brass Knuckles and All That

You may be seeing me run with these.

I feel pretty safe when I run. I take necessary precautions (or what I consider to be necessary) because I tend to go running in my neighborhood (and areas close to) at odd hours (like late at night in the dark, or super early in the morning when it's dark). I carry pepper spray with me, along with my id card and sometimes a pocket knife just in case. I've reviewed the information online about safety for women and evasive moves/defensive moves that could be useful.

The problem is, I HATE running with pepper spray in my hand because my hand gets sweaty and I feel off balance. I don't run with my pocket knife in my hand... I feel like that would be silly.

My mom was in the living room watching me get ready to go on a run the other night and she says, "I'm going to get you some brass knuckles for when you run, that way you don't have to carry anything".

My response," hahahahaaaa... Ok, mom".

But then I thought about it, and you know what, she's right. You just put your fingers in them. They stay put because I kind of have a loose fist when I run anyway.

The drawback? I don't want to get close enough to someone to have to use them.

I'm definitely not saying that people should run with weapons. Actually, I wish I could feel safe enough running around at any time, day or night, without any but the fact is that women especially are vulnerable to attacks so I should be prepared for the worst situations and hope that they never happen.

Also, there's ALWAYS creepy people where I run... and I live in a really good neighborhood. I don't think there's ever been any incident in the area, but I don't want to be part of one.

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