Monday, October 26, 2009

It Must be Monday

I had a pretty tumultuous weekend. A lot happened and I decided on a lot of stuff.

I'm being vague. I will continue to be vague, so if that stresses you out, skip over this part.

Anyway, so what I can tell you is that I rearranged furniture and eliminated some things that I no longer needed... things that reminded me of stressful times and people and so they HAD to go. I'm nowhere near having all of it out, but I realize that it will take some time.

I also re-evaluated some of the things I was doing in my life that weren't doing their jobs for me... I had to "let them go" as they say. In short, I fired part of my life. It's good, but also causing some anxiety as well- as does all change.

And now it's Monday.

I felt better when I woke up, but then I looked outside. Raining cats and dogs. Buckets of water coming down, and it was SO DARK. So I made hot chocolate and bundled up and didn't do a thing with my hair (because if it's raining, what's the point?).

I have a couple of things to look forward to this week:

1. It's the BF's birthday! This is exciting because a) he's older than me and b) I love birthdays, oh yeah and c) I love giving people gifts.

2. It's Halloween! So parties and costumes galore! Hint as to what I'm going to be: I need to buy a blonde wig today. That's all I'm giving you. Don't worry, I will post pics later.

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