Friday, October 23, 2009

Quotes of the Week and Memorable Conversations

Conversation #1:

Cashier: (after I set my purse on the counter to find my wallet) That's a great purse; it's very colorful.

Me: ...mmmhmmm, I like colors.... (as I realize I sound REALLY DUMB saying that)

Cashier: *blinks*

Me: uh... that sounded like I was 5 years old. It's kind of been a day, and it's only Monday.

Cashier: Ha ha, it's ok, I like colors, too.

Me: (walk away from counter shaking head)

Conversation #2

Mom: (in the car driving home from store, we are passing restaurants and other stores, she is reading the names of them out loud) ... Sushi and Maki, Japanese (in a fake Japanese accent)

Me: (Silence first at the shock of hearing my mom use ANY sort of accent) HAHAHAAAAAAAA! What kind of accent was that? (hysterical laughter continues)

Mom: eh...

Quote #1:

"Are you questioning my badassedness?... Have you seen my guns?"- from Glee.

Quote #2:

"Creepers"- guy from work.

I think I will do this every week because I always hear funny things and forget to share them!

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