Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jillian Michaels Made Me Cry... Twice

I don't really watch The Biggest Loser... mostly because I have other things I'd rather be doing. Last night, however, I had NOTHING to do after working out and eating dinner. **Pause** I need to back up and tell you about working out first.

A few months ago I had a leftover giftcard to a place that sells media stuff, and I had nothing that I needed or really wanted to buy so I went shopping for nothing and ended up buying a Jillian Michaels work out dvd because it sounded interesting and looked like something I would do. That dvd has since been used ZERO times until yesterday when I decided that I should probably do more for myself than running, crunches and push ups.

Ok, so the premise of this DVD is that you do cardio, weights and ab training in a 3-2-1 circuit for almost half an hour to burn more calories and build more lean muscle than just doing those things separately. Sounds good. I grabbed my hand weights and yoga mat and set to it. The warm up was easy and the first set of weights, cardio, abs was pretty easy, and then for some reason Ms. Michaels thought it would be a great idea to kill me with squats, lunges, and crazy arm things ALL AT ONCE. Sets 2 and 3 of this circuit did not go so well. I didn't stop, but what started as full moves quickly became "modified" sissy versions because my butt was burning, my legs were shaking and I couldn't feel my arms. I couldn't stop until the end of the workout because I was terrified that Jillian Michaels was going to jump through my television and verbally berate me if I did.

When I was done, I laid myself flat on the floor and let a couple of tears fall. Because I HURT EVERYWHERE.

Once I was able to get myself off of the floor and walking, I took a shower and made some dinner. I also rearranged some books on the shelves and finished alphabetizing my cd's. There was nothing on television except The Biggest Loser, so I watched it.

This is not my favorite show, but it is mildly entertaining. This particular episode the contestants had a challenge where the prize was being able to go home for a week to see their families (they had been away from them for 6 weeks at this point) so half of the contestants went home and the other half stayed. There is one kid on the show who was on the show before and he got to go home for a week. When they all returned they all did what is called the "last chance" workout before their big weigh-in. This kid was having a tough time, and I felt bad for him because not only is he the youngest on the show, but this is his second time trying to lose all this weight and he really wants to do it. Sometimes you have really great workouts and sometimes you have TERRIBLE workouts. He was having a terrible one. Jillian Michaels was trying to motivate him and got frustrated (as I'm sure I would have to), so she starts yelling to get him moving and he totally broke down. And I'm sitting on the couched sniffling and wiping away the tiny tears before they can make it down my cheek. I just felt so bad for this kid because there are a lot of issues that go along with being morbidly obese... and trying to move in general when you are that large has got to be a struggle anyway, so dealing with everything all at once seems pretty near impossible to me.

I had to change the channel when it showed that this kid gained a pound at the final weigh-in. I couldn't take anymore.

This morning I was so sore, but it kind of feels great. I'm totally doing the next circuit with JM tonight, and I may cry again when my hamstrings are so tight they feel as if they might snap at the end of the workout. May.

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