Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Heather Needs A Nap

I don't know what it is about this week but it seems like I just can't get enough sleep!  I'm not going to bed super late or getting up any earlier or doing more than usual so I have no idea what's up. 

Yesterday I was super tempted to go out and take a nap in my car during my lunch break, but I know that once I'm asleep a hurricane couldn't wake me up so I decided against it. 

I think that it could be partially because I had such a full weekend and didn't get to laze around as much as I normally do on the weekends so my body never got that recovery time. 

Also, last night, the whole issue of BF's mom not liking me came to a head.  That was fun...  BF had a conversation with the parents about it and then a conversation with me about it and I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I don't deal with other people's issues very well when I feel like I've been doing the best I can to help.

We'll work through it, and basically all I have to do is continue to do what I've already been doing, which is to be social with the family and try to get to know them more.  Hopefully it'll be easier now.  It's just frustrating. 

I feel bad because BF is stuck in the middle of the issue. He's trying so hard to make things easier on both sides, but really he knows there's not much he can do. 

On a completely separate train of thought- I bought my Shampooless ingredients last night (for a whopping $8 dollars total).  I'm going to try it this evening after I go to the gym.  I also have a back-up method in case this is a disaster, but I feel like it probably won't be since I've read about a million success stories with it. 

Is it Friday yet? 

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