Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Monday

I enjoyed my time off.  It was fabulous.

And then I had to come to work today.  Not that work is terrible, but today was not the best day I've had at work.

Did I mention I was gone most of last week on VACATION?  I'll post about the fun later, but I wanted to post with pictures so it'll have to wait.

Anyway, so yes, I was gone from work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  I told people for WEEKS to not to try and get a hold of me during that time because I would be gone. 

I came back today to a TON of surprises at work.

First, one of the other admins took this week off and told everyone to contact me for any help during her absence.  She didn't ask me beforehand if I would be her contact person while she was out.


So this morning I had a line of people waiting to ask me things I know nothing about and a ton of emails asking about things I still know nothing about.  I emailed said admin and asked why everyone was asking me for stuff that I didn't know about.  The response was something like, "Oh yeah, I meant to talk to you last week before you left but didn't get to so I just listed you as the point person for me while I'm out... hope that's ok!". 

It would be ok if I had any clue what was going on.  But I don't because I don't work with half of these people.  Awesome.

Then I got a call from someone who I will be running a Job Fair in Seattle tomorrow with that informed me that there was a dress code for us tomorrow. 


I've already packed for Seattle since I'm leaving DIRECTLY FROM WORK this afternoon and do not have time to go get different clothes.  They will just have to deal. 

Later I was volunteered to help with a project this afternoon without my knowledge. 


 When I inquired about what the details were of this project (time, place, what I needed to do) I got multiple rude response emails and NO ANSWERS.  Also, unbeknownced to the person who volunteered me for this project I was BOOKED SOLID for this afternoon and DIDN'T HAVE TIME to do it.  You know, because I'm trying to get my job done AND leave on time for Seattle. 

It's a freakin' Monday.

I'm leaving soon for Seattle and won't have time to post pictures from my LOVELY vacation with BF until tomorrow evening, but I promise I will.

PS. You will love them so much!  We played a game all weekend called find the celebrities.

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