Monday, August 9, 2010


I has it...

So I may or may not have mentioned that BF LOVES this one commercial where there is a Russian guy surrounded by gold everything, gold busts of himself, gold-upholstered furniture, etc and then very rare and expensive items.  At the beginning of the commercial he says in a very thick Russian accent,"Opulence... I has it," which BF and I find hilarious and awesome.  Of course we started quoting it all of the time. 

On Friday, as sort of a joke, I got out of work early (because it was Friday, duh) and went to the store to find some gold nail polish.  I found the perfect shade and threw a couple of quick coats on my fingernails.  My plan was to show up at BF's softball game and flash my hands in front of my face and say, "Opulence, I has it."  Which I did.  And it was awesome.  BF and I both got a kick out of it, but I could only handle the gold nail polish for about a day and a half and it promptly came off on Saturday night. 

Sadly I did not take a picture of my gold nails, but I still have the polish for future use, you know, in case I have the need to be so opulent again.

Anyway, Friday night BF had a softball game so I went to that and it was pretty fun.   After the game we met up with the team for drinks and snacks (an after game tradition now) and then we headed to the theater to see Dinner for Schmucks, which I found hilarious.  Most people that we had talked to gave it mixed reviews, and nothing higher than an, "It was funny, but not hilarious".  Boo on that.  I found it extremely entertaining and quotable. 

Saturday BF attended his cousin's wedding in Roseburg (basically BFE, Oregon) which is something like 4 hours away... or maybe like 2.5 hours, same thing.  Anyhow, I had a free day and was super productive early on in the day, but had run out of things to do by mid afternoon and after the gym.  I ended up just sitting around reading which was pretty nice since I haven't had a lot of time to do that lately. 

Sunday was another nice lazy day.  I got up and lazed around the house for the morning and then went to the gym.  BF and I ran errands afterwards and picked up some stuff for German dinner.  I made dinner (Jagerschnitzel again) and then BF and I took a lovely walk around the neighborhood. 

I'm back at work this week for only two days.  I took Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off so I won't come back until next Monday where the week will explode into a million things to do and I will go to Seattle for a day to help with some work stuff there. 

BF and I are trying to make some fun plans for my few days off this week which may or may not include the following:

1. Trip to the Zoo.  I love the zoo and haven't been for a while so it'd be nice to go.

2.  Trip to the Coast- it's supposed to be nice this week so that is a definite possibility.

3. Camp for a night somewhere.

4.  Go to OMSI- who doesn't love science and things? 

5.  See the movie, "The Other Guys".

I'm so glad it' Monday AND Thursday today.

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