Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Think I'm Better Than You

You know that I don't... but lately this is the vibe I'm getting from people.  When did it become ok to feel smug about doing good things?  I feel like someone negates their good deeds when they start having a "holier than thou" attitude.

A couple years ago I started becoming more interested in taking better care of myself in general:  eating whole grains and fresh local produce, using more natural products that are better for me and the environment, and supporting causes that are sustainable and actually helpful to the communities of the world and to the earth.  I do a lot of research about products or organizations and try to know as much as I can about things before making any sort of purchasing decision.  I'm trying to simplify and learn from other people who have successfully done the same.  I can't believe how many fantastic blogs and websites are out there sharing what other people have done and what sorts of changes we can make for the better.

I also can't believe how many people are out there not educating and sharing their stories, but showing what they've done or are doing and trying to shame everyone else into doing what they have done.  Nothing turns me off of something more quickly than someone being too smug with themselves.

There are certain products and organizations that I had shied away from because of such people.  The impression that these people left me with made me hesitate trying new things... and I cannot blame these people for turning me off of something, it's just how I am.  If you tell me to do something directly, I probably won't do it out of principle.  BUT if you give me the facts and tell me your story and aren't trying to CONVINCE me to do something, I'll probably try it.  I'm stubborn.  Eventually I'll research it/try it, but the process is a lot slower. 

For a long time I didn't want to try natural deoderant because an acquaintance of mine told me that I was going to get cancer and die if I didn't switch to a natural product and that .  I know this person wasn't trying to be rude, but like I said, I don't like being told what to do... and also this person sort of smelled like BO so I didn't give any natural deoderants a try for years.  Now I use one almost everyday and I try new ones all of the time. I feel a lot better about using a product that won't harm me but that doesn't leave me smelling like I've been at the gym for 2 days straight.

Anyhow, I decided that since I'm very grateful for other people sharing their experiences with products, new ways of doing things, or organizations to become involved with that I would start sharing my experiences as well.  The more we get the word out about these cool things, the more people will learn and can decide for themselves and hopefully the better off we all will be.

And I definitely DON'T think I'm better than you... unless you drive a Prius.


Ksenia said...

I know what you mean. Most of the time I tell myself that people don't mean to sound so smug... and that maybe I do it without knowing too. That makes it easier for me to not hate them :)

I WISH I drove a Prius. I'm seriously considering saving up for a Nissan Leaf though :) hehe

Heather said...

I LOVE Nissans, and the Leaf, as far as I've heard, seems like the way to go!

I agree with you, I think people say things and don't realize that they sound a certain way and I know it's coming from a good place, but I'm such a stubborn and independent person that it's hard for me to want to listen to them! I'm working on taking a step back when I feel this way and looking at someone's motivation for saying/doing something and that helps me keep it all in perspective better.