Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I'm So Awesome

Because I promised you pictures, and now I'm posting NO PICTURES.

I know...

So here's the deal. Last night at home I was all like, "I'm going to download my pictures so that tomorrow I can post them... because I'm awesome like that." But what I didn't do was realize that if I download them to my laptop at home, I cannot post them while I'm at work... because they are on a different computer. Yes, that is how awesome I am.

I can try to blame it on being all dumb from the allergy meds because I was dying last night. I can also try to blame it on being exhausted from the kick-awesome workout I had at the gym earlier in the afternoon. I could try to blame it on unclear thinking due to grumpiness from not seeing the BF yesterday at all. But all of these reasons aren't 100% valid excuses. Really, if you want to know the truth, my brain sometimes just doesn't work. It's that simple.

So maybe tonight when I get home I will post the pictures that I told you I would post.

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